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Books: Why Did I Write A Book?

Why Did I Write A Book? The year was 2016. The month was December. 2016 had been a particularly challenging year and I was seeking direction going forward. As someone practising the Christian faith, I was very prayerful in the midst of my sorrow. That's when it happened! I received clarity on what I was supposed to do. Now whether you believe in God or not I think it's important to own your truth and this is mine. God told me to do three things: to continue to serve locally at a homeless drop-in, to serve abroad in an orphanage and to keep writing spiritially encouraging articles. I’d been writing for the last 5 years at that time so I was happy to continue. It was a relative who suggested that I also begin writing my story and when God confirmed this during the first week of 2017, I knew I had to be obedient. I love to be encouraged, and I love to encourage others.  What Solutions Am I Providing For My Readers? Firstly, I felt (and still feel!) that there was a w